Catching Dragonfly

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I really wanna write about my childhood memory now. Indeed, that period is an exactly memorable one. Despite the fact that I used to live in my beautiful countryside.

Well, I'll start from hmmmhhh... talking about my boyhood games, traditional-motoric  plays, seems interesting enough.  Yeah, it is.

Have you found dragonflies hovering around your head at your surroundings? You jumped up trying to catch them, or even tracked them down till you slip yourself? Hhhhhhhh...... I used to get to accustom to do it.

As far as I'm concern, there were ways to catch dragonflies I used to do.

#1. Move your best hand to grab it as fast as lightning, if you could 😄. This is a very conservative method. Once you're not fast enough, sorry you've got fail!

#2. Bring your dragnet (I'm not sure bout this word). Yes, just pick this way as your final chosen in order to not being mocked by your friends hhhhhhhh... Using a net is just for city's children or a very youngest boy I think. We the agile villagers did not use real tools. LoL.

#3. Hmmmmmh... Before you catch a dragonfly it seems better to eat jackfruit. Well, don't get me wrong. Besides you'll test that delicious typically Asian fruit, you can use its latex to make an effective trap/tool. It's very simple, just put some of its sap at the edge of a 'lidi' (a stick generated from back part of coconut's leaf) or just take random thin sticks. Furthermore, you can directly catch the insect buy touching the sticky 'lidi' to its body or just plant the stick on the ground while waiting the hunted animals to pearch. You may try both! 😄

#4. The last one I used to do is a mix method hhhhhhhh... It's the first method (find and grab a smaller type of dragonflies [indeed, they're exist]), then tied the tail of it by a string while the other edge of the thread bond to a 'lidi' stick. Perfect! Since the insect is cannibal now you have an absolutely perfect bait. Don't worry if there is none of the insects trapped, playing the decoy tool is already fun as well. Surely, we call it a traditional 'remote controlled' play. 😄

A rainy afternoon, Ciamis, November 24th.